Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nariyal Barfi

IngredientsNariyal Barfi is a popular Indian Dessert

3 cups - fresh coconut
600 gms - Condensed milk (sweetened)
1/2 cup - Sugar
5 tbsp - ghee
1 tbsp - cardamom powder
1 cup - almonds, blanched and cut into slivers 


  • Heat a heavy bottomed pan and add the coconut, condensed milk and sugar in it.
  • Mix well and cook on low heat till the condensed milk gets reduced to a quarter of its original quantity (or till the mixture attains a fudge like consistency).
  • Add the ghee and mix well.  
  • Cook again till the ghee begins to separate from the fudge.
  • Mix cardamom powder to it and turn off the heat.
  • Grease a large platter and layer the mixture on it and smooth it out.
  • Top the entire surface with the slivered almonds.
  • Allow it to cool a little, then cut into squares.
  • Let it set, then remove the barfis from the platter and store in an air tight container. 

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