Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Soft Gulab Jamuns


For jamuns:
1 cup - Flour
2 tsp - baking powder
Soft Gulab Jamuns is a popular Indian Dessert
1 cup - Bisquick
1 cup - cream (may be substituted with half and half)
2 tsp - baking powder
1/2 cup - butter
3/4 tsp - cardamom (ground)
Ghee for deep frying (may be substituted with vegetable oil)
2 cups - dry powdered milk
For syrup:
1/2 tbsp - rose water
3 cups - Sugar
4 cups - water
1/4 cup - brown Sugar


  • Combine all the ingredients for the syrup except for the rose water in a heavy saucepan. Boil together to make a thick, sugary syrup.
  • The rose water will be added when the gulabs are in the saucepan. Always keep the syrup warm.
  • Sift together the dry ingredients for the jamuns. This includes the flour, bisquick, dry powdered milk, baking powder, baking soda, ground cardamom.
  • Next, warm up the cream and melt the butter.
  • Combine the two and then slowly pour this into the dry mixture while kneading the dough very slowly with hands.
  • Turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until elastic and very smooth.
  • Break off little pieces about the size of a quarter.
  • Roll pieces into smooth little balls.
  • Heat the vegetable oil until hot.
  • Drop a very small piece of dough in and when it rises to the top, the oil is ready.
  • Watch the temperature carefully since these little balls will burn easily. Drop a few balls in at a time.
  • Fry until dark golden brown.
  • Remove and immediately drop into warm syrup.
  • Let them soak in the syrup until all are finished. Put gulab jamuns and syrup in a serving dish and sprinkle the rose water.
  • Shredded coconut may also be added for garnish.
  • These can be prepared a day ahead. They taste amazing either warm or cold.
  • Before serving, they can be reheated in the syrup.

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